The New Orleans African American Museum's lamp-lit Historic Gardens nestled in the heart of historic Tremé, and imbibe craft cocktails mixed, shaken, and stirred by New Orleans' favorite local celebrities-turned-bartenders! Join us Thursday, December 12th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm for a happy-hour fundraiser hosted by The Honorable Royce Duplessis, member of the Louisiana State Senate for District 5, representing New Orleans and a portion of Jefferson Parish.
Our local SPIRITED HOSTS will all paired with nationally renowned mixologists stationed throughout the gardens. Tickets also include food, entertainment, and more!
Ticket tiers are Inspired by the native New Orleanian poet, writer, and educator, Professor Arturo, an homage to the City’s unique colloquialisms as highlighted in his book “A Dictionary of New Orleans Slang”. To continue the commemoration of New Orleans’ heroes, Our sponsorship packages honor fallen stars who are considered “Tremé Heroes”, who are proudly displayed in Our Historic Gardens.
For more information on becoming a sponsor please contact: ExecutiveAssistant@noaam.org
To donate or purchase tickets, please click the link below
“Last year was my first time at Sips n Spirits and it was so beautiful. I loved seeing the neighborhood all lit up, the garden full of friends and art lovers, and feeling a deep sense of community. It was a special night and I’m looking forward to this year even more.”
“I’ve served on many Boards of Directors & attended countless fundraisers over the years for those organizations on whose Boards I served, as well as many others. The 2023 Sips N Spirits, annual NOAAM fundraiser, was hands down one of the best I’ve ever attended. The food & music were amazing, as always, but more importantly, the warm positive energy of all who attended was inspiring, to say the least! Everyone seemed energized about supporting our ever-improving, ever-growing NOAAM & its stellar, cutting-edge programming. The crowd that attended spanned all ages & ethnic groups in New Orleans, a truly supported community event. I’m proud & humbled to play a small part in the dedicated Board & staff’s many achievements over the last 5 years. Come out & join us at Sips N Spirits Dec 2024. You won’t be disappointed!”